
My heart is aching, I feel so alone. Please Lord, send me a friend. Someone who will cherish my friendship as much as I cherish theirs. I feel so alone in my walk.
I see the failing of so many friendships around me. My heart is aching, I am crying out to you.
Please send me a friend. Someone who loves you and will push me in my walk. Someone who I can laugh with and enjoy time with. Someone I can cry with and be a shoulder for them.
A friend who wont just be here for a season, but a lifetime.
Lord I need a friend. I need that relationship.
Calm my heart in the time of waiting, let me relish in the not now. Hold tight to my husband and be content with where we are.
I pray for that sort of friendship for both of us.

I need a girl friend Lord. I have been feeling so lonely in this new town without one.
I know you hear my plea and see me where I am.
I know that you NEVER leave me nor forsake me. Settle my heart for this season of not yet, while you prepare me for the things to come.

In Jesus’ precious name.
